森山メモリアル 名誉院長コラム Column by the Honorary Director of Moriyama Memorial Hospital

森山メモリアル病院 名誉院長の中島 進(なかじま すすむ)です。


My name is Susumu Nakajima. I am the Honorary Director of Moriyama Memorial Hospital. (For more information on the hospital, please see the official website.)

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the demand for pulse oximeters is extremely high and thus causing short supply. The principal developer of the pulse oximeter is Takuo Aoyagi of Nihon Kohden who passed away last year. I was also involved in the development of the pulse oximeter and made academic presentations and published research papers about its application in clinical use for the first time in the world. Now, in this column, as a researcher, I would like to provide information on how to use the pulse oximeter correctly for the general public and non-medical professions. Moriyama Memorial Hospital is located in Asahikawa City and provides medical care centered on rehabilitation and at-home healthcare, and I also would like to share information about our hospital.

パルスオキシメーター開発経緯 Background to the development of the pulse oximeter

北大第2外科同門会報 第46号に寄稿した『コロナ流行下、世界での利用が更に高まっているパルスオキシメーターの開発の経緯について』においてパルスオキシメーターの開発経緯を紹介している。日本語論文英語論文を用意しているのでこちらからご覧いただきたい。また、ブログとしても抜粋して掲載しているのでパルスオキシメーター開発経緯の項もご覧いただきたい。


In the article “Background to the development of the pulse oximeter that has been in demand around the world since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic” contributed to the Alumni Journal of Department of Surgery II, Hokkaido University, 46th edition, I shared the background to the development of the pulse oximeter. There are Japanese and English versions available to the public. The article is also available as a blog. Please see the “Background to the development of pulse oximeter” section.

For my research papers, please see the “Research papers and presentations” section.

カルフォルニア大学 J.W.Severinghaus教授の来日と調査結果の報告 Report of survey results



At the end of 1986, I received a letter from Professor Yoshiyuki Honda of Respiratory Physiology, School of Medicine, Chiba University, who was famous for respiratory physiology. In the letter, he wrote that when he was attending the International Congress of Physiological Sciences held in Vancouver, Canada in July of the same year, he spoke with his old acquaintance, Professor Severinghaus of the Department of Anesthesiology, University of California. Apparently, Professor Severinghaus was researching the origin of the pulse oximeter and asked Professor Honda for cooperation.

During the conversation, Professor Severinghaus mentioned someone named Nakajima who discovered a pulse oximeter and worked at Minolta Camera, and his research paper could be found in anesthesia-related magazines, which led Professor Honda to me after he went through the medical magazine Respiration and Circulation. During the research, Professor Severinghaus found a handwritten abstract by Mr. Aoyagi in the abstract collection of the first Japanese Society for Medical Engineering, which I referenced for my research paper. Since then, Mr. Aoyagi has been recognized as the originator of the pulse oximeter principle, and I have been recognized as the first person to ever conduct a clinical application of the earpiece-type and fingertip-type pulse oximeters and published a research paper.

In 1987, Professor Severinghaus visited Japan to verify the facts. A rare photo of the four of us was taken in front of the Hilton Tokyo.

In the same year, Professor Severinghaus and Professor Honda published the following paper and concluded:

Severinghaus JW, Honda Y. History of blood gas analysis VII.
Pulse oximetry. J Clin Monit 1987; 3:135-138

ABSTRACT. Pulse oximetry is based on a relatively new concept, using the pulsatile
variation in optical density of tissues in the red and infrated wavelength to compute arterial oxygen saturation without need for calibration. The method was invented in 1972 by Takuo Aoyagi, a bioengineer, while he was working on an ear densitometer for recording dye dilution curves. Susumu Nakajima, a surgeon, and his associates first tested the device in patients, reporting in1975.
A competing device was introduce and also tested and described in Japan. William New and Jack Lloyd recoganized the potential importance of pulse oximetry and developed interest among anesthesio-logists and others concerned with critical care in the United States. Success brought patent litigation and much competition.
1. Severinghaus J.Astrup P. History of blood analy-sis. VI. Oximetry. J Clin Monit 1986;2;270-288
2. Peterson J. The development of pulse oximetry. Science 1986; 232:G135-136
3. Aoyagi T, Kishi M, Yamaguchi K, Watanabe S. Improvement of the earpiece oximeter.Abstract of the 13th annual meeting of the Japanese society of Medical Electronics and Biological Engineering, 1974:90-91(Jap)
4. Nakajima S, Ikeda K, Nishioka H, et al. Clinical application of a new (fingertip type) Pulse wave oximeter. Translated from the Japanese. Jap J Sur 1979, 41:57-61(Jap)